Seasonal Reflections: A Blessed Imbolc

Early next month sees Imbolc, the fire festival which, although still deep in Winter, brings with it hope of the brighter seasons to come.

Here in Monchique, we haven’t seen snow or freezing temperatures (although there’s been quite a lot of fog). The Winter has been lush, green, damp and fruitful. But still, we’ve been through a seasonal waning of the year, as well as some dark days personally, and I’ll be pleased to celebrate the coming Spring.

This is the time when we clean out the cobwebs (time for a spring cleaning), and also the time when we nourish and pay attention to those seeds which have been buried all Winter and which may be ready to start sprouting soon. For me this is a time to pay attention not only to Nature but to the younger members of the family, making sure that they have the right conditions to grow. It’s also a time to discover or rediscover creative projects and see what they might grow into this coming year.

In this spirit, I am pleased to share with you a guided meditation which I became inspired to create this week, and which I hope inspires you with your own creativity: The Seed.

I’d also like to share a suggestion to aid in connection with your kids – a kind of active visualisation, if you like, for parents of young kids, to do whenever you’re having a quiet time together, maybe at bedtime or in front of the TV: umbilical breathing.

Umbilical breathing comes in two parts. First, you tune into your little one’s breathing. Notice when they inhale and exhale, and gradually allow your breathing to match theirs. Let this occur over several rounds of breath, so as not to be forcing your own breathing too much.

As you continue to breath in tandem with your child, imagine that there is an umbilical cord linking your bellybutton with theirs. We focus on the bellybutton because this is the area of an important energy centre, the Tan Den. Now, as you breathe in, imagine that they are sending some of the joy, wonder and ease which young children naturally feel to you. Picture or feel it dissipating throughout your body. And as you breathe out, imagine that you are reflecting that back to them, along with the love, nurture and care which you naturally feel for your little one. Continue this for as long as you like.

I hope you have enjoyed these two techniques, and if you would like to know more about me and what I do, please visit the Vibrant Self Healing website.

Published by

Keziah Gibbons, Vibrant Self Healing

I am on a mission to empower, facilitate and support your healing and personal growth. I believe that each person is vibrant and magical. On this page I will be sharing my experiences as someone who walks a healing path. Enjoy!

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